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赤皮病也叫赤皮瘟,是由萤光板毛杆菌侵入引起。病鱼体表发炎出血,鳞片脱落,鳍基部充血,呈现块状红斑。主要危害草鱼、青鱼。防治方法:1.给鱼口服磺胺噻唑,第一天每50公斤鱼用药5克,以后每天用药2.5克,将药与米糠、麸皮、面粉等拌和投喂,连喂6天。2.每立方 Red-skin disease, also known as Red-skin disease, is caused by the invader of the luminescent bacillus. Inflammatory body surface bleeding, scales off, the base of the fin congestion, showing massive erythema. Major hazards grass carp, herring. Prevention and treatment methods: 1. Sulfathiazole given to fish, the first day of medication for every 50 kilograms of fish 5 grams, after 2.5 grams of medication a day, the medicine mixed with rice bran, bran, flour and other feeding, and even feed 6 days. 2. Per cubic
AIM:To investigate different methods of creating incomplete intestinal obstruction in a rat model and to compare their electrophysiologic,morphologic and histol
Some laterally advanced cholangiocarcinomas behave as ductal spread or local invasion,and hepatopancreatoduodenectomy(HPD)may be performed for R0 resection.To d
【正】 在大棚内土豆、苋菜、冬瓜、白菜、莴苣间套作,一般每亩产土豆1500公斤、苋菜1000公斤、冬瓜5000公
<正> 波尔山羊种公羊在冬季性欲比较旺盛,精液品质好,食欲下降,很难补充身体消耗,若营养不良,则直接影响冬季配种质量。因此,搞好种公羊的冬季饲养十分重要。 1、配种期饲养:
【正】一、后备母猪不发情 一类是后备母猪先天性遗传缺陷,此类应淘汰;其二是后备母猪体内性激素水平低,卵泡不能正常发育和成熟。此类者可用肌注绒毛膜促性腺激素治疗,每头
Stomach and colorectal cancers are common cancers and leading causes of cancer deaths.Because the alimentary tract can interact directly with dietary components
Early identification of acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is challenging. The wide variability in clinical presentation challenges providers to make an early accu
AIM:To examine how the expression of caudal type homebox transcription factor 2(Cdx2) is regulated in the development of malignancy in Barrett’s esophagus.METH