我国为与国际惯例接轨,如何适应当前形势使我们能充分发挥专业知识,为国家造价管理方面做出贡献,成为当前的一个主要课题。加入 WTO 后,外国咨询机构或公司进入我国建筑市场,按非歧视性的市场准入原则,在竞争方面我国与其他国家是平等的,这一现实问题激励我们除了掌握本国的造价管理外,还必须学习国际惯例的计价模式,加强国际经济贸易知识的学习。
As our country is in line with international practice, how to adapt to the current situation enables us to give full play to our professional knowledge and make contributions to the national cost management, becoming one of the major issues at present. After China’s accession to the WTO, foreign consulting agencies or companies enter the construction market in our country. According to the principle of non-discriminatory market access, our country is equal to other countries in competition. This realistic issue has inspired us to not only master our own cost management, We must learn the pricing model of international practice and strengthen the study of international economic and trade knowledge.