文弱清秀,温文尔雅,细声慢语,阴柔随和……看罢影片《双雄会》,我由不得生出一点疑窦:历史上的李闯王果真是这样的吗? 众所周知,李自成是一个叱咤风云的农民起义领袖。他青年时投奔高迎祥的起义队伍,出生入死,骁勇善战,故高牺牲后即被推为闯王。小说《李自成》写他:“高个儿、宽肩膀、颧骨隆起,天庭饱满……给人一种坚毅、英勇、沉着,而又富于智慧的感觉”,可以说这是抓住了人物的本质特征的。坚毅和英勇正是他十余年南征北战的戎马生涯造就的品格,而沉着和
Weak, handsome, gentle, sarcastic, feminine easy-going ... ... watch the film “Shuangxionghui”, I can not give birth to a bit of doubt: the history of Li Chuang really like this? As we all know, Li Zicheng is a peasant uprising leader. When he was young, he went to Gaoyingxiang’s uprising team and was born and wounded, brave and skilled, so he was pushed to Chuang Wang after being sacrificed. The novel “Li Zicheng” wrote him: “tall, wide shoulders, cheekbones uplift, full of heaven ... gives a sense of perseverance, valor, calmness, and wisdom.” It can be said that this is the catch of the characters Essential characteristic Perseverance and courage are precisely the qualities created by his military career in the Northern Campaign more than ten years ago,