走进Jan von Holleben的飞行世界。小时候你是否也做过同样的飞行梦?捉鬼的孩子、腾空的自行车、长着翅膀的仙女……一切都看起来像是在飞,可实际上,他们都只是躺在地上。这组充满童趣与想象力的照片来自德国摄影师Jan von Holleben的系列摄影作品——《飞行梦》(Dreams of Flying)。将人和物摆在地上,站在梯子上俯拍,造成人物悬空的艺术效果,这个绝妙主意的产生与一只桀骜不驯的狗有关。2001年,Jan von Holleben受委托需要拍摄一张小孩骑狗的照片,他的朋友有一只狗,他的
Into the flying world of Jan von Holleben. Did you ever dream of flying the same way when you were young? Buffy kids, vacated bikes and winged fairies ... everything looks like flying, but in fact they all just lie on the ground. This group of children’s playful and imaginative photographs comes from a series of photographs taken by the German photographer Jan von Holleben, “Dreams of Flying.” Putting people and things on the ground, standing on the ladder overlooking the film, causing the artistic effect of dangling characters, this wonderful idea of the dog with a rebellious. In 2001, Jan von Holleben was commissioned to take a photo of a child riding a dog whose friend had a dog whose