艺术家的价值在于独特的艺术风格的创立。风格是人,也是个人思维及审美意念的反映,因之可贵。但风格不能与生俱来,一蹴而成,而必须经过不断探索、反复实践才能形成。现在就让我们看看美国杰出的现代作曲家乔治·克伦姆(George Grumb 1929- )是如何创立风格而又将它体现在作品之中的。克伦姆的第一部成名之作《弦乐四重奏》作于1954年,显然是受了亨德密特、巴托克及贝尔格等人音乐的影响。此后,又写了两部作品:《大提琴无伴奏奏鸣曲》(1955)以及《乐队变奏曲》(1959),依然没能闯
The value of an artist lies in the creation of a unique artistic style. Style is human, but also a reflection of personal thinking and aesthetic ideas, so precious. However, the style can not be born from time to time, but must continue to explore, repeated practice can be formed. Now let us see how the outstanding American composer George Grumb (1929-) created the style and embodied it in his work. The first of its kind, The String Quartet, was first done in 1954, apparently influenced by the music of Hendlt, Bartok and Berger. Since then, he has written two more works: “Sonata of the Cello Sonata” (1955) and “The Bands Variations” (1959), still unable to break through