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6月9日,财政部、住房和城乡建设部联合召开的北方采暖区既有居住建筑节能改造工作会议明确,“十二五”时期要完成北方既有居住建筑节能改造4亿m~2以上,完成老旧住宅节能改造任务的35%,改善700万户城镇居民采暖及居住条件,力争到2020年基本完成北方老旧住宅节能改造任务12亿m~2。业内人士认为,这将为建筑保温材料等市场打开新的空间。财政部副部长张少春、住建部副部长仇保兴出席会议并讲话。张少春强调,“十二五”期间要进一步加大投入,完善“以奖代补”办法,按照严寒地区每平方米55元、寒冷地区每平方米45元的标 June 9, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly held in the northern heating zone existing residential building energy-saving work conference clear, “Twelve-Five ” period to complete the existing energy-saving renovation of northern residential 400 million m ~ 2 above, 35% of the tasks of energy-saving renovation of old residential buildings will be completed, the heating and living conditions of 7 million urban residents will be improved, and the goal of energy-saving renovation of old residential buildings in the north will be basically completed by 2020 with 1.2 billion m 2. The industry believes that this will open up new markets for the construction of insulation materials and other markets. Zhang Shaochun, vice minister of finance, Qiu Baoxing, vice minister of housing construction, attended the meeting and made a speech. Zhang Shaochun stressed: During the period of “12th Five-Year Plan”, it is necessary to further increase input and improve the method of “awarding and replacing subsidies”. According to the plan of 55 yuan per square meter in cold area and 45 yuan per square meter in cold area
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奢侈的真正概念在于品质与时间。创造出将功能与情感、个性相结合的地方,肆意舒缓自我、平衡自然,并且能够回收能量,才是浴室最本质的职能。 The real concept of luxury li