各位委员、各有关单位、各位论文作者: 中国石油学会经济专业委员会拟于2002年4月(具体时间另行通知)在云南大理召开2002年石油经济研讨会。本次研讨会由中国石油学会经济专业委员会、中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司、中国石油化工股份有限公司滇黔桂油田分公司联合主办,并于2001年10月31日发出了征文通知,得到了各位专家、委员和学者的大力支持,目前已收到50多篇论文。为方便论文集的出版,现将论文及其版面要求通知如下:
Members, the relevant units, distinguished authors: Chinese Petroleum Society of Professional Committee of Economic intends to April 2002 (date to be announced) seminar held in 2002 in Yunnan Dali oil economy. The symposium was jointly sponsored by the Economic Committee of the Chinese Petroleum Institute, the Tarim Oilfield Company of China National Petroleum Corporation, and the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Oilfield Company Limited of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, and issued a solicitation notice on October 31, 2001 , Has been the strong support of experts, members and scholars, has received more than 50 papers. To facilitate the publication of the Proceedings, we now inform you of the dissertation and its layout requirements as follows: