东莞市城市快速轨道交通线网由4条线路构成,具有明显的市域轨道特征,目前我国还没有市域轨道交通的相关规范。R2线是线网内第一条建设的线路,其车辆选型不仅是确定本线技术标准的重要因素,也影响线网内后续建设线路相关技术标准的确定。根据东莞线网的特点及R2线的客流特征,对R2线车辆最高运行速度、车型选择、定员标准、座席布置及列车编组等车辆选型关键问题进行分析研究,推荐采用最高运行速度为120 km/h的地铁B型车,站立定员标准为5人/m2,车门数量为3个/侧.辆,座席为横向座席与纵向座席混合布置,初、近、远期分别采用5、5/6混跑、6辆编组方案。
Dongguan city rapid rail transit network consists of four lines, with obvious characteristics of the urban rail, at present, there is no relevant norms of urban rail transit in our country. R2 line is the first line in the construction of the line network, the vehicle selection is not only an important factor in determining the technical standards of this line, but also affect the subsequent network line to determine the relevant technical standards. According to the characteristics of Dongguan line network and passenger flow characteristics of R2 line, this paper analyzes and studies the key problems of vehicle selection such as maximum speed of R2 line vehicle, vehicle type selection, personnel standard, seat arrangement and train formation. The maximum running speed is 120 km / h of the Metro B-type car, standing capacity of 5 people / m2, the number of doors for the 3 / side. Vehicles, seats for the horizontal seats and vertical seats mixed arrangement, early, near and forward respectively 5,5 / 6 Mixed race, 6 grouping program.