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  Zhang Zongyan, President of China Railway Group Limited: China Railway will promote high-quality development from three aspects: grasping the development of overseas main businesses to lay solid foundation for high-quality development, paying attention to innovation and creation in overseas development and motivating strong power of high-quality development, and seizing the opportunities of cross-border merger & acquisition (M&A) in the future to optimize overall layout of overseas high-quality development of enterprises.

技术创新 打造“梦想桥”



  为此,中国中铁的“筑路人”走进了非洲,一步步“丈量”出铁路设计沿线土地,攻克一个个技术难关,让“从零海拔的吉布提到平均海拔超过2500米的埃塞高原,建设一条现代电气化铁路比登天还难”的不可能成为了可能。通车仪式上,随着白色列车一同驶出的,不仅是全部采用“中國标准”的非洲首条跨国电气化铁路,更是埃塞俄比亚和吉布提经济转型的开端。   在吉布提港口堆場外的马路两侧,散落着成片的钢材等散货。港口外,等待装卸货的大卡车排成两三公里的长龙。亚吉铁路建成后,货物从吉布提港口运至埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴的时间从一周缩短为10余个小时,大大提高了跨境物流效率。吉布提港口来往的货车日渐多了起来,而距离吉布提港口不远处,只见用于起吊集装箱的十几座大型桥吊、门机并排分布在海港沿岸,一座全新的港口正在紧张施工,这里也是亚吉铁路支线延伸线的尽头。



亚吉铁路的开通,有助于吉布提国际物流中心的打造The opening of Addis Ababa- Djibouti Railway helps to build Djibouti into an international logistics center(新华社 供图)

  On March 19, each worker on construction site of Padma Bridge in Bangladesh looked serious, when the order was released through interphone, the 150 tons gantry crane on transition pier of the south bank of the bridge began to roar to break the quiet Padma River, indicating formal launching of the erection of the first deck slab of highway bridge of Padma Bridge in Bangladesh undertaken by China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (MBEC), a subsidiary of China Railway.
  The main bridge of Padma Bridge with full length of 6.15 kilometers has double-layer steel girder structure, with the upper layer as two-way four-lane highway, and the lower layer as single-line railway. The upper highway bridge deck is composed of 2,917 deck slabs, and the slab erected today is the first deck slab. With slow lifting by gantry crane, the nerve of each on-site worker was drawn by the 51 tons slab.   Bridge deck has very high erection position accuracy requirements with allowable error of only 2 millimeters, and it is very difficult to be positioned. To ensure extremely accurate surveying and positioning, relative positioning methods was adopted by on-site technicians who took steel girder as base for real-time measurement and calculation. Engineers finally looked a little relaxed after the message of successful erection echoed throughout command room.

Technology innovation creates a “dream bridge”

  The successful bridge deck erection is only a miniature of technology breakthrough of Padma Bridge. From the commencement of main works of the bridge on December 12, 2015, technology innovation has become a keyword of the construction of Padma Bridge by MBEC.
  The Ganges River is called Padma River in Bangladesh, and the river goes through the entire Bangladesh, dividing the country into the south half and the north half. In the rainy season, the sufficient precipitation of Bangladesh will flood Padma River, and since the south is not connected with the north, the economic development of Bangladesh suffers from severe restriction. To connect the south and the north by a “dream bridge” has been a dream of the Bangladeshis for a long time.
  During the preliminary survey, Chinese engineers noticed that Padma River has loose sediment on river bed, which may lead to poor adhesive force of the bridge pier. It can be indicated that structures of the bridge will suffer from non-uniform sedimentation in case of flood, causing deformation, fracture or even collapse.
  To solve the problem and guarantee the bridge stability, the engineers of MBEC designed “steel tube pile tip pre-pressing construction method”. A steel tube pile with length of about 120 meters was driven into soil mass to ensure enough friction force to fix pile foundation; the pile bottom was set with a soil plug filled with cement mortar to ensure enough strength through mixing and infiltration with the soil plug. In this way, closed structure can be formed among soil plug, concrete and steel tube pile, like a man-made micro-cap capable of bearing certain pile tip pressure, thus improving the bridge pile stability.
  The relevant project leader emphasized: “each steel tube pile has weight of 550 tons and consists of 39 steel sheet drums through welding. The entire bridge is set with 240 such steel piles on which 40 piers are built.” Besides, technicians have performed simulation calculation for piling with professional software and in particular customized the largest hydraulic hammer in the world, with cost of nearly RMB 100 million. “Reinforced” by these efforts, steel tube pile is in compact combination with soil mass. In this way, these steel piles will be solid in the river to retain flood and stabilize bridge foundation firmly during the rainy season.   What’s more, suggested by engineers, a low-shrinkage and high-slump-retention polycarboxylate superplasticizer was utilized to solve the problem of poor concrete quality in Bangladesh. During construction, MBEC also created the deepest inclined steel tube pile for bridge in the world, broke through the steel girder welding technology with higher accuracy requirements and higher difficulty, adopted bridge deck cementing technology for the first time in the world, and applied the new process of paint corrosion prevention according to local conditions…The countless technology innovations have promoted the largest single bridge project undertaken overseas by Chinese enterprises. As a wholly owned subsidiary of China Railway Group Limited, MBEC has undoubtedly presented a satisfactory report card of scientific and technological innovation in this project.
  In the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) held in April this year, President Xi Jinping emphasized that the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) should be promoted for continuous advancement in high-quality development direction. High-quality development fundamentally relies on technology innovation, while the construction of Padma Bridge is a vivid practice of the advancement of China Railway towards high-quality development. In this process, China Railway considered more than just technology innovation. How to promote Belt and Road regional economic development by the project? How to drive regional economy to a new step of highquality development? China Railway has given its own answer.

An international logistics center created by the railway

  October 5, 2016 was a date with extraordinary significance for the two African countries - Ethiopia and Djibouti. The two countries, one in the east and the other in the west, are quite different from each other: Ethiopia an inland country mainly relies on agriculture and the import & export trade; Djibouti, on the other hand, sits in the junction of Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with low self-sufficient capability due to limit on territory area. Building a railway to link both the countries, connect the transport artery through African ridge and Gulf of Aden can be an effective solution to improve economic activity of East Africa.
  Therefore, the “road builders” of China Railway entered Africa, measured the land along railway design line and tackled technical difficulties, accomplishing the impossible task of the constructing a modern electrified railway from zero-altitude Djibouti to Ethiopia Plateau with average altitude of more than 2,500 meters into reality. In the opening ceremony, what began to run was not only the white train driven on the railway, but also the first crossborder electrified railway of Africa completely under“Chinese standards” and the beginning of economic transformation of Ethiopia and Djibouti.   Steels and other bulk goods were scattered on both sides of the road out of the yard of the Port of Djibouti. The trucks waiting for loading and unloading lined up for distance of 2~3 kilometers outside the port. After the completion of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, the time for transport of goods from the Port of Djibouti to Addis Ababa -capital of Ethiopia is shortened from one week to dozens of hours, greatly improving cross-border logistics efficiency. The amount of trucks coming and going in the Port of Djibouti has grown significantly.Dozens of large-sized bridge cranes and portal cranes were distributed along port beach for lifting containers not far from the Port of Djibouti, working tightly for a brand-new port. It is the end of extension line of the branch of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway.
  The large-sized port planned and constructed by Chinese enterprises will undertake the position of an international logistics center of Djibouti; exported goods of African countries will rely on the railway transport to Djibouti in large scale in the future before delivery all over the world by large-sized cargo ships, and imported goods will also be delivered to the countries of East Africa through Addis AbabaDjibouti Railway and railway network of East Africa.
  Data shows that the Port of Djibouti has annual throughput of nearly 1 million standard containers and 5 million tons of general cargo; the throughput of the Port of Djibouti will increase in the future, and the function of Djibouti to serve Ethiopia, South Sudan and Somalia will also be improved.
  When it comes to promoting the BRI with highquality and high-standard, Zhang Jun, the Assistant Minister of the Foreign Affairs, once emphasized that the joint construction of Belt and Road is to further improve global supply chain, value chain and industry chain through strengthening interconnection of countries, thus to ensure that the countries in unfavorable locations will also participate in global division of work properly to better benefit from global value chain. In this way, they can create higher power for self-development and global economic growth. Undoubtedly, China Railway has already taken its solid step on this road.

Marching to “three high”

  Zhang Zongyan, President of China Railway, recently explained “high-quality development” future path of China Railway in three aspects during the Second BRF.
  He expressed that China Railway would firstly grasp the development of overseas main businesses to lay solid foundation for high-quality development. In recent years, China Railway has focused on the promotion of the concentration of technologies, personnel, funds and other resource factors to overseas main businesses. It has also accelerated overall steps for entire industry chain to go abroad continuously in this process. The completion of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway Project is the best practice. Secondary, China Railway will pay attention to innovation and creation in overseas development, motivate strong power of high-quality development as another key point of high-quality development of China Railway. He said: “In overseas market, innovation is the bridgehead and commanding height for realizing high-quality development.” In addition to Padma Bridge, the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway and China-Laos Railway undertaken by China Railway have also yielded plenty of scientific and technological innovation. Besides, China Railway will seize the opportunities of cross-border merger & acquisition (M&A) in the future to optimize overall layout of overseas high-quality development of enterprises. It is revealed by him that China Railway is now engaged in the M&A for a Croatian company. “Our cross-border M&A will focus on strategic complementation with international development of the company, which can be considered as a key means of the optimization of overall layout of overseas high-quality development of the company,” said Zhang.   In August 2018, it is not easy to find out the data change of China Railway in enterprise structure adjustment in recent years from the interim performance report in 2018 released by China Railway, while the report has also verified the strategic layout of high-quality development of China Railway as mentioned by Zhang Zongyan.
  The report shows that in the first half of 2018, China Railway completed new contract price of RMB 634.7 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 13%. To be more precise, the infrastructure construction business completed new contract price of RMB 526.8 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 9.1%; railway, municipal engineering and other businesses had prominent operation performance in infrastructure construction business, with new contract price of RMB 88.92 billion and RMB 344.1 billion and growth of 10.4% and 17.5% respectively, indicating a further raise the proportion of municipal engineering and other businesses of the company in contract price for infrastructure construction business. Besides, survey, design and consulting business, engineering equipment and part manufacture business, real estate development and other businesses completed new order amount of RMB 13.09 billion, RMB 16.88 billion, RMB 24.02 billion and RMB 53.93 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 8.4%, 5.7%, 53.7% and 53.8% respectively.
  The figures represent the pace of China Railway towards “high-quality, high-standard and high-level” development. The core of technology innovation, the promotion of regional economic development and the company’s structural adjustment can all be seen as answers to high-quality upgrading given by China Railway.
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摘要:为高质量推进“一带一路”建设,满足国际化业务发展对国际化人才的需求,中国中铁探索实施了国际化人才分层分类大规模培养培训工程,取得了一定的成效。本文从注重顶层设计、分层分类组织和打造特色精品项目三方面对如何有效地分层分类进行国际化人才培养培训进行了全面深入探讨。  Abstract: In order to push for high-quality development of the Be
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