现行高中教材 (必修本 )第二册对石油裂化实验的处理是采用催化裂化的方法。其方法是将 4g石蜡与 3g氧化铝放到一大试管里加热 5~1 0min后观察现象。此实验成功的标志是 :1 .看到裂化后生成的气体能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色 ;2 .在冷却的试管内能看到较多的液体。但是 ,在
The current High School Textbook (required) Book 2 deals with the cracking of petroleum cracking experiments. The method is to put 4g paraffin wax and 3g alumina into a large test tube and heat for 5 to 10 minutes to observe the phenomenon. The success of this experiment is marked by: 1. Seeing that the gas generated after the cracking can discolor the acidic potassium permanganate solution; 2. More liquid can be seen in the cooled tube. But when