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互联网发展之迅速,举世瞩目。从基本的衣食住行到高层次的个人、国家,乃至世界发展,离开其佐助,就会渐入举步维艰之境。当然这也有另一层次的思考,网络随着人类对之依赖性的加大,逐渐悄无声息的锁定了人类的咽喉。是的,人类创造了网络且受益良多;是的,我们也在某种程度上日渐丧失人类的独立行为。互联网的确是人类伟大的创造,若干年前,它的存亡发展取决于人类,若干年后,这种状况的反向发展早已初见端倪。随着互联网深领域和广领域的发展,人类正由现实社会日渐走向网络社会,网络群体也越来越多,个人的信息也随之越多的留在网络空间。于是,我们不仅是网络人,还是一定程度上的透明人、“裸体人”。这时,网民信息安全问题再也不得不被重视了。本人并非网络消极论者,始终坚信随着对互联网认识的加深,相关法律制度的完善,网民素质的提高,以及国际间诚意合作的深入,互联网的发展必将给人类带来更多的益处。 The rapid development of the Internet has attracted worldwide attention. From the basic necessities of life to the development of individuals, countries and even the world at a high level, they will gradually get into a difficult situation if they leave their aid. Of course, this also has another level of thinking. With the increasing dependence on human beings, the network gradually quietly locks human’s throat. Yes, human beings have created networks and benefited a lot; yes, we are also, to some extent, losing human independence. The Internet was indeed a great human creation. Some years ago its survival and development depended on mankind. Some years later, the reverse development of this situation has already begun to take shape. With the development of the Internet in a wide area and a wide area, human beings are gradually moving towards the online society from the real world, with more and more network groups. As a result, more personal information remains in cyberspace. So, we are not only online people, or a certain degree of transparency, “naked people ”. At this moment, the information security of netizens has to be valued again. I am not an Internet negative person. I firmly believe that with the deepening understanding of the Internet, the improvement of relevant legal systems, the improvement of the quality of Internet users, and the deepening of international cooperation in good faith, the development of the Internet will certainly bring more benefits to mankind.