快速路道路景观绿化改造设计关键问题探讨 ——以甬临线宁海梅林至山河岭段工程为例

来源 :科技展望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianfei
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快速公路是经济高速发展的产物,快速公路绿化改造在公路建设当中必不可少的项目,不仅可以降低噪音,净化空气,美化路容,改善整体环境,有利于行车安全,减少交通事故产生。经过对绿化整体改造可以稳固路基、保护路面、养护公路、延长公路使用寿命,因此针对国内各大已建成且绿化效果较差高速进行绿化改造是刻不容缓的事宜。 Expressway is a product of rapid economic development. Expressway greening is an indispensable item in highway construction. It can not only reduce noise, purify air, beautify road capacity and improve the overall environment, which helps traffic safety and reduce traffic accidents. After the greening of the overall transformation can stabilize the roadbed, road protection, road maintenance, extend the service life of the highway, so for the major domestic has been completed and greening less efficient high-speed greening is an urgent matter.