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我有幸参加了中青年优秀校(园)长培训,这是教育的一场旅行,是精神的一次洗礼,让我遇见了教育的美好。通过培训,我更加明确了校长的使命与职责:要以“百年大计,教育为本”的眼光思考教育,要以“遵循教育发展规律”的信念发展教育,要为学生的生命成长和终生发展负责。同时,“育人为本、和谐发展”的办学理念更清晰,“打造好人教育,促进生命成长”的发展目标更坚定,“合格学业+好人素养+兴趣特长”的育人目标更明确。 I had the privilege of participating in the training of young and middle-aged outstanding school (garden) teachers. This is a journey of education. It is a baptism of the spirit and I have met the beauty of education. Through training, I have more clearly defined the principal’s mission and responsibilities: To think in terms of “hundred years of experience, education-based ”, to develop education with the belief “ following the laws of educational development ”, we must develop the students’ lives. Responsible for lifelong development. At the same time, the concept of “cultivating people and developing harmoniously” is clearer, and the development goal of “promoting good people’s education and promoting the growth of life” is more determined, and “learning of qualified academics + good people’s accomplishment + interest in specialty ” is evolving. The goal is more clear.
好氧发酵罐中有机物的发酵会产生大量的废热,为了更好地回收和利用这部分废热,设计了一个好氧发酵罐废热回收系统,并利用Aspen HYSY对系统的废气—水换热器和空气源热泵系统