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在亚洲各国现代化的历史上,中国与日本经历过大致相同的过程,两国都是在西方国家的压力下被迫开放,逐步走上现代化的道路。只是日本比中国来得更彻底,干脆选择“脱亚入欧”的发展战略,很快步入资本主义发展的快车道,迅速与中国拉开了距离。至1894年,当中国还沉迷在三十年洋务运动辉煌成就的时候,日本人竟然敢于向昔日的榜样叫板,并一,粉碎了中国人“师夷长技以制夷”、重建昔日辉煌的梦想。甲午战争是近代中国历史上的一个重要分水岭,也是中日两国彻底拉开距离的一次重要决战。此后的中国对日本怀着比 In the history of the modernization of Asian countries, China and Japan have gone through roughly the same process. Both countries are forced to open up under the pressure of Western countries and gradually embark on the path of modernization. It is only Japan’s development strategy that has come a long way further than that of China and simply chosen “to take Asia to Europe.” It quickly entered the fast lane of capitalist development and quickly separated itself from China. By 1894, when China was still addicted to the splendid achievements of the Westernization Movement in the past 30 years, the Japanese dared to challenge the example of the past and smashed the Chinese people’s ability to control the country and rebuild the old Brilliant dream The Sino-Japanese War was an important watershed in the history of modern China and an important decisive battle between China and Japan in completely opening up the distance. Since then, China has more than Japan
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桉树在印度已被列为刺查斯坦干燥与半干燥地区造林的弑用树种。1959年苗圃中的棒头桉(Eucalyptusgomphocephela D.C.)幼苗管发生大量的死亡,其后此病甚至波及到二年生的植株
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