本文首次报道栗瘿蜂Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu在贵州铜仁的发生为害情况,详细记述栗瘿蜂的生物学特性,特别是栗瘿蜂在瘿内的生活习性。2009年4月-2010年8月调查,在铜仁市桐木坪乡卜口村栽种的366.67hm2板栗中,株被害率达100%,当年新梢被害率达41%。该虫1年发生1代,3月底至4月初虫瘿出现,5月中旬虫瘿达最大,化蛹高峰期为5月下旬;成虫羽化高峰期为6月中旬,出瘿高峰期为6月15-22日。成虫孤雌生殖,产卵栗芽内,以幼龄幼虫在栗芽内虫室越冬。大龄幼虫有极强的耐饥性和耐旱性。用粘虫胶对成虫进行防治,有较好的防效,也使天敌得到了有效保护。
This paper reports for the first time the occurrence of the damage of the dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in Tongren, Guizhou. It details the biological characteristics of the gallnut, in particular, the domestic habits of the gallnut. From April 2009 to August 2010, 366.67 hm 2 of chestnut trees planted in Bukou Village, Tong Muping Township, Tongren City were 100% victimized and 41% of new shoots were killed in that year. The pest occurred in one year from the end of March to the beginning of April, and its occurrence was highest in mid-May. The peak of pupae was in late May. The peak of adult eclosion was in mid June, and the peak was in June 15-22 days. Parthenogenetic adults, spawning chestnut buds, with young larvae in the chestnut budworm wintering. Older larvae have strong resistance to hunger and drought. With the sticky glue on the adult control, have better control effect, but also to natural enemies have been effectively protected.