China Society for Metals Society of Thermal Energy and Thermal Engineering, entrusted non-ferrous metallurgy thermal engineering academic committee, in April 9, 1991 to 12 in Luoyang, the ancient capital held a non-ferrous metallurgical energy-saving technology exchange. There were 43 participating organizations representing a total of 68 people. Luoyang Municipal Association for Science and Technology Vice Chairman Lin Heqin, chairman of Henan Industrial Furnace Association, attended the meeting and gave a talk. Members of the Thermal and Thermal Engineering Society Wang Weiguang, Wu Huilai, Huang Renxiang and Xiao Zhipeng attended the meeting The meeting. Institute director, non-ferrous metallurgy thermal engineering committee vice chairman Xiaozhi Peng chaired the meeting. Zhou Zhigang, vice chairman of the opening address to the meeting, he analyzed the current non-ferrous metallurgy industry, high energy consumption, low thermal efficiency of furnaces, large residual heat Festival