《林朵林场志》结构新。志书第八章“多种经营”与“第十五章“贡献”是结构新的集中代表。整部志书在内容上有深度 ,入志资料的选取上注意录入深层次的史料。能站在科技是第一生产力的高度 ,记载科技兴场的历史 ,突出了科技在林场发展史上的重要地位 ,把志书质量推向新的高度。
“Lin Duo Lin Field Records” structure of the new. Chapter VIII of the book, “a variety of business” and “Chapter XV contribution” is a new focus on the structure of the whole book there is depth in the content, into the selection of data on the record into the deep historical data. Standing at the height of science and technology being the primary productive force, the history of science and technology has been recorded, the importance of science and technology in the history of the development of forest farms has been highlighted, and the quality of records has been pushed to a new height.