
来源 :江苏医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao68
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例1 男,23岁,右小腿内下方肿块进行性增大9月余,经治不愈,追询17月前局部有撞伤史。检查:右小腿内踝上方3cm处有一约4×5×7cm之肿块,表面高低不平,质硬,隆起高峰处质中软,有轻度压痛,皮肤无红热及水肿。X线表现:右胫骨内踝上2.5cm处有一约8cm范围大小不等之蜂窝状囊状溶骨性破坏,其间骨间隔较粗,边缘清晰锐利,局部有硬化,病变区骨皮质因不同程度膨胀而断裂,囊内未见钙化,无骨膜反应。手术所见:截肢手术,肿瘤呈囊状,内含淡黄色液体,刮出物为灰白红色软组织物。病理诊断:右胫骨原发造釉细胞瘤。 Example 1 Male, 23 years old, had a progressive enlargement of the mass in the lower part of the right calf for more than 9 months. After treatment, he was challenged with a history of local bruising before 17 months. Examination: There is a 4x5x7cm mass at 3 cm above the medial malleolus in the right calf. The surface is uneven and hard. The peak is soft in the peak of the uplift. There is mild tenderness, and there is no red heat and edema on the skin. X-ray findings: There is a honeycomb cystolith destruction of approximately 8 cm in the size of 2.5 cm above the medial malleolus of the right sacrum. The interval between the bones is relatively thick, the edges are clear and sharp, local sclerosis occurs, and the cortical bone in the lesion area is dilated to varying degrees. However, there was no calcification in the capsule and no periosteal reaction. Surgical findings: amputation surgery, the tumor was cystic, containing a pale yellow liquid, scraping the material for the gray red soft tissue. Pathological diagnosis: primary ameloblastoma of the right temporal bone.
Pancoast 瘤是位于肺尖部的肿瘤,大部分为恶性,临床上能产生特殊的症状和体征(Pancoast 综合征)。本病并不少见,但病理学诊断较为困难。现将我院在无X 线透视下经支气管肺活
鼻咽癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,在广东省占恶性肿瘤发病的第一位。本世纪以来,有关鼻咽癌的报告屡见不鲜,张去病等1959年对758例鼻咽癌的临床分析,顾绥 Nasopharyngeal c
近日,北京市消费者协会对在北京各大商场随机购买的休闲裤进行了比较试验,在抽检的57个休闲裤样品中,有21个消费者熟知的名牌样品被检出面料成分与吊牌标示 Recently, the B