2005年11月18日,中国轻工业联合会副会长潘蓓蕾郑重地将“中国功能糖城”牌匾交到禹城市市委书记陈永华手中。禹城市功能糖年综合生产能力占全国功能糖生产能力的60 %,产品国内市场占有率达80%,国际市场占有率25%功能糖产业年销售收入20亿元,利税过3亿元,出口创汇4500万美元木糖醇生产能力居世界第二,低聚异麦芽糖生产能力居亚洲之首,低聚木糖生产能力居世界
On November 18, 2005, Pan Beilei, vice chairman of China National Light Industry Council, solemnly handed over the plaque of “China’s functional sugar city” to Chen Yonghua, party secretary of Yucheng City. The annual comprehensive sugar production capacity of Yucheng City accounted for 60% of the national functional sugar production capacity, the domestic market share of products reached 80%, the international market share of 25%, the annual sales revenue of functional sugar industry was 2 billion yuan, profits and taxes over 300 million yuan, and exports Foreign exchange earnings 45 million US dollars xylitol production capacity ranks second in the world, oligo-isomaltose production capacity ranks first in Asia, oligosaccharide production capacity in the world