1 case report patient female, 23 years old. 4 days because of fever to my ministry. 4 days ago due to cold and fever, self-test body temperature 38.1 ℃, no cough, sputum, chest pain and other symptoms. Self-serving amoxicillin 0.5g, 3 times a day; Lotus Qingwen capsules 2 capsules each time 3 times a day; cold heat-clearing granules 12g, 2 times a day. Body temperature during the day 37.5 ~ 38.0 ℃, night 38.0 ~ 38.5 ℃. Therefore, my clinic for treatment. Physical examination: body temperature 38.4 ℃, pulse 88 / min, breathing 21 times / min. Throat without congestion, tonsil does not enlarge. Thoracic symmetry on both sides, palpation without speech tremor, percussion were clear voice, auscultation of lungs normal breathing sounds, no smell and wet and dry rales. Laboratory tests: white blood cell count 8.4 × 109 / L, neutrophils