OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) One of the most commonly used process of colorization is RGB pixel independent lighting method. After a detailed analysis of the brightness stability and service life of various materials, it is concluded that the white material of OLED has higher power efficiency and stability, and the waste of power is caused by the synthesis of white OLED by RGB three colors. Accordingly, a four-color method is proposed: in addition to the red, green and blue (RGB) luminescent materials, there are white luminescent materials, and the white luminescent materials are directly generated from the white luminescent materials. The article first introduces the working principle of this method, and then discusses the driving circuit of this color OLED realization method in detail. Under the premise of ensuring the color and life of the original RGB three-color display, the color display of the OLED is realized with RGBW four-color by converting the current of each RGB. The results show that this display method can reduce the total driving power, but also can control the color balance of the high-resolution panel.