从电视屏幕上可以看到西部地区的内蒙古、新疆等地有不少地方耕地退化 ,甚至荒化、沙化。这是大自然对滥伐 ,乱垦 ,掠夺式放牧的严厉惩罚。最近 ,内蒙古、新疆的雪灾使走场牧民受困 ,1月31日河西走廊再次出现沙尘暴。沙尘暴发生的频率加快 ,间隔时间缩短 ,强度增大 ,标志着
From the TV screen, we can see that there are many places in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places in the western region where the cultivated land is degraded, even poor and desertified. This is a severe punishment that nature has for deforestation, indiscriminate cultivation and predatory grazing. Recently, the snowstorms in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang have stalled pastoral herdsmen. On January 31, there was another sandstorm in the Hexi Corridor. Dust storms occur faster, shorter intervals, increased strength, marked