本文报告1例排尿昏厥伴房颤和低钾血症。患者37岁,汽车司机,饮啤酒后去看电影,半小时后从坐位起来上便所,排尿时突然意识丧失,跌倒,碰着后头部。患者除颈部一些感觉异常外,无其他不适。既往无胸痛、昏厥、排尿障碍病史。脉搏82次/分,不规则。血压150/80毫米汞柱。心电图示房颤。无缺血性心脏病、甲亢、或心瓣膜病征象,无其它异常。心电图连续监护12小时后,房颤自动转为窦性心律。血钾3毫克分子量/升(正常3.5~5.2),但尿素和其他离子正常,全血象、心脏酶、蛋白结合碘、胆固醇、尿、胸和颅骨摄片均正常。反复咳嗽、关闭声门用力呼气或吸气均既无昏厥亦无心率和心律改变。内窥镜检查尿道和膀胱正常。 Schoenberg等认为排尿昏厥最常见的诱因是饮
This article reports 1 case of micturition fainting with atrial fibrillation and hypokalemia. 37-year-old patient, the driver of the car, drink beer after going to the movies, half an hour after the seat up from the toilet, a sudden loss of consciousness when urinating, falling, touching the head. In addition to some patients with abnormal cervical neck, no other discomfort. Past no chest pain, fainting, history of voiding disorders. Pulse 82 beats / min, irregular. Blood pressure 150/80 mm Hg. ECG shows atrial fibrillation. No ischemic heart disease, hyperthyroidism, or valvular heart disease signs, no other abnormalities. After 12 hours of ECG continuous monitoring, atrial fibrillation automatically converted to sinus rhythm. Serum potassium 3 mg / l (normal 3.5 ~ 5.2), but normal urea and other ions, whole blood, cardiac enzymes, protein bound iodine, cholesterol, urine, chest and skull radiographs were normal. Repeated cough, closed glottic forced expiratory or inspiratory neither fainting nor heart rate and heart rate changes. Endoscopy urethra and bladder normal. Schoenberg so that the most common urination cramps is a drink incentive