I believe many lawyers friends will be concerned about the dress, how to dress to appear decent, which is the heart of the lawyer friends puzzle. Although we do not like to judge people by appearance, it is an indisputable fact that proper dress can add a lot to lawyers. Men’s Lawyers Dress Code: Breakthrough Monotonous Variation Compared with women’s varied options, men can choose between a single set of items that are relatively fixed: suits, shirts, ties, belts, socks; accessories available in: wristwatch, cufflinks, tie Folder and so on. Compared with the ladies’ wear, the choice of colors and tailoring design are very limited, how to break the monotonous, out of personality and style, which is also a lot of learning. First male lawyers dress to reveal their own maverick side. Striped jacket, striped shirt with striped tie, which with many experts seems to be guilty