When pursuit eye movement is guided by a light spot which moves at the same velocity asthat of a drifting grating, the reciprocal of the threshold contrast (TC) needed for the eye toperceive the grating moving at the same velocity as the auxiliary spot is defined as the guidedpursuit contrast sensitivity (GP-CS). GP-CS and flicker (F-) or motion-CS are determined for20-21 out of 25 possible combinations of 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6 and 12 c/dog grating drifting at 1,2, 4, 8 or 16 Hz. Up to a drifting velocity- of about 5°/s, the GP-CS is near to the patternrecognition (PR)-CS for a stationary grating (+ 20 to -40%), while the F-CS shows syste-matic higher (100-200%) to lower (30-60%) values than the PR-CS from low to high spatialfrequency (SF) gratings as found by previous investigators. These differences can be mosteasily seen when the GP-CSF’s for gratings drifting at 2, 4 and 8 Hz are plotted and eom-pared with the respective F-CSF’s against SF. The general shape of the GP-CSF’s showsremarkable similarity to
When Pursuit eye movement is the same velocity as the auxiliary spot is defined as GP-CS and flicker (F-) or motion-CS are determined for 20-21 out of 25 possible combinations of 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6 and 12 c / dog grating drifting at 1 Up to a drifting velocity- of about 5 ° / s, the GP-CS is near to the pattern recognition (PR) -CS for a stationary grating (+ 20 to -40%), 2, 4, 8 or 16 Hz. while the F-CS shows syste-matic higher (100-200%) to lower (30-60%) values than the PR-CS from low to high spatial frequency (SF) gratings as found by previous investigators. These differences can be mosteasily seen when the GP-CSF’s for gratings drifting at 2, 4 and 8 Hz are plotted and eom-pared with the respective F-CSF’s against SF. The general shape of the GP-CSF’s showsremarka ble similarity to