在《药》的最后一个场面中,华大妈与夏瑜母亲坟场相遇是偶然的,还是必然的呢? 现将学生讨论时的发言整理如下: 甲:清明节上坟是我国古老的风俗习惯,这便是两位老大妈坟场相遇的主要原因。(清明节上坟必然会相遇吗?) 乙:清明节有一整天,只有在一天中的同一时刻去上坟,才会相遇。两位大妈都在凌晨上坟,所以相遇了。(为什么两位大妈要在一大早去上坟呢?)
In the last scene of “Medicine”, it is accidental or inevitable that the encounter between the mother of Aunt Huan and the mother of Xiu Yu’s cemetery is to be summarized as follows: A: The Qingming Festival tomb is an ancient custom in our country. This is the main reason why the two old women met in the cemetery. (On the tomb of the Ching Ming Festival, will it meet inevitably?) B: There is a full day of Ching Ming Festival. Only when they go to the grave at the same time of the day will they meet. Both aunts were tombs in the early morning, so they met. (Why did the two aunts go to the grave in the early morning?)