
来源 :陕西教育(行政版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsxt
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一、课程设置背景 20世纪90年代,全球化进程给中国教育带来了严峻的挑战。在迎接知识经济挑战的过程中,不仅需要发展知识密集型产业,还需要提升劳动密集型产业i不仅需要培养大批高新技术人才,也需要培养大批高素质劳动者。当时,我国国民生产总值60%以上由中、低技术产业提供,而且社会主义初级阶段决定了中、低技术产业仍将在相当长的时期内在我国经济中占重要地位,传统“象牙塔”式人才培养模式、由企办技校承担技术工人培养已很难满足现代化大生产对人才多样化的需求,必须建立起人才培养的教育“立交桥”。国 I. Background of Curriculum Setting In the 1990s, the process of globalization brought severe challenges to Chinese education. In the process of meeting the challenges of knowledge economy, we not only need to develop knowledge-intensive industries but also promote labor-intensive industries. We not only need to cultivate a large number of high-tech and talented people, but also a large number of highly qualified laborers. At that time, more than 60% of China’s GNP was provided by medium- and low-tech industries. Moreover, the initial stage of socialism decided that medium and low-tech industries will still occupy an important position in our economy for a long period of time. The traditional “ivory tower ”Type of personnel training mode, undertaking technical workers training by technical schools has been difficult to meet the modernized large-scale production of diverse personnel needs, we must establish a personnel training education “ overpass ”. country