患儿男,4个月.因发热,咳嗽3天,加重2天入院.入院时体重7kg,T37.8℃,R40次/分.神萎,气促,口周发绀,双肺多量中细湿罗音,心音低钝,心率160次/分,节律齐,未闻及杂音.肝肋下2cm.化验:WBC 9.4×10~9/L N 0.28 L 0.72;RBC3.83×10~9/L,Hb121g/L.X 线胸片:小叶性肺炎并肺气肿.心脏大小及形态正常.诊断重症肺炎,心力衰竭?除积极抗感染,使用血管活性药物、利尿剂之外,给予西地兰静脉注射,24小时内共用0.42mg,患
Children, male, 4 months due to fever, cough for 3 days, increased 2 days admitted to hospital admission weight 7kg, T37.8 ℃, R40 times / min. Shenwei, shortness of breath, perioral cyanosis, Wet rales, low heart sound blunt, heart rate 160 beats / min, rhythm Qi, no smell and noise. Liver ribs 2cm. Test: WBC 9.4 × 10 ~ 9 / LN 0.28 L 0.72; RBC3.83 × 10 ~ 9 / L , Hb121g / LX chest X-ray: lobular pneumonia and emphysema. Heart size and shape normal. Diagnosis of severe pneumonia, heart failure? In addition to positive anti-infection, the use of vasoactive drugs, diuretics, given cedilanid , 0.42mg shared within 24 hours, suffering