一、闪击带球的基本形式闪带的基本形式主要有下列三种: A、单手下蹲式闪带。下蹲时姿势力求低一点、左脚踩自球、右脚向后撤,直到有利瞄准为宜。操作时右手握杆下部(距槌头20~30厘米)。这种形式由于姿势低,击球点看得清,易击中,闪带力度小,撤杆短,误差少,稳定性或准确性好, 成功率高,是一种有效闪带形式。B、双手直立式闪带。这种形式是起立横向瞄准,站立时保持上体正直,左脚踩自球,右脚略靠后,两脚距离约与肩同宽,双手握杆中部,两大臂挟紧,以确保闪带时的稳定性和准确性。这种形式,只要精心操作,按要领闪带无误,其成功率
First, the basic form of flash ball The main form of flash band has the following three: A, single-handed squat flash. Squat when trying to lower the position, his left foot from the ball, his right foot to retreat, until the favorable targeting is appropriate. Lower right hand grip (20-30 cm from hammer head). This form as a result of low posture, hitting point can see clearly, easy to hit, strobe belt strength is small, the bar short, less error, stability or accuracy, high success rate, is an effective form of flash. B, hands upright flash band. This form is to stand up and cross aiming, standing upright, left foot self-ball, right foot slightly after the distance between both feet about the same shoulder width, grip the middle arm, two arms tight, to ensure that the flash Band stability and accuracy. This form, as long as careful operation, according to the essentials flash with error rate, the success rate