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目前,施工现场用的卷扬机由于其牵拉钢丝绳明露于地面,给施工场地的有效利用和安全生产带来极大困难,还会发生卷扬机将人卷入的恶性事故。这里介绍一种简便、易行的安装方法,具体作法见图1、2。这种 At present, the hoisting machine used on the construction site is exposed to the ground due to its pulling steel wire rope, which brings great difficulties to the effective use and safe production of the construction site, and also leads to the vicious accident that the hoisting machine involves people. Here is a simple and easy installation method. The specific methods are shown in Figure 1 and 2. This kind
周鸿祎无疑是2003年度中国最大的网络并购——雅虎并购3721的关键人物,他曾恃才放旷,公开大骂CNNIC,惹了一身麻烦。最终在眼睁睁看着事业下滑时,他的3721却突然找到了合适的婆家——国际互联网巨头雅虎出资1亿美元并购重组3721,重组后周鸿祎将出任雅虎中国总裁。  一直处于资本的风口浪尖的周鸿祎这回作出的选择也实在无奈,之前业界已经纷纷抛出“3721如果不创新就必然加速死亡”的言论,而与CN