随着现代化大油田建设步伐的加快,相配套的油田地面建设工程增加,尤其是长距离,大管径、大壁厚的输油、输气管线建设剧增,施工过程中经常需穿越大型河流、等级公路、铁路等施工障碍,如何安全、高效、经济、质量较好的完成穿越任务,是目前油田地面请求建设工程中的急需解决的施工难题之一,本论文以天然气集输干线建设工程中定向钻穿越唐曹高速匝道,L320 Φ610*10特加强级三PE防腐螺旋焊接钢管为例进行研究。
With the acceleration of the construction of modern large oilfields, the construction of ground supporting oilfields has increased, especially the construction of long-distance, large-diameter and large-wall oil and gas transmission pipelines. The construction process often requires crossing large rivers , The level of road, railways and other construction obstacles, how to safely, efficiently, economically and with good quality to complete the crossing task is one of the most urgent problems to be solved in the oil field ground construction project. In this paper, Directional drilling through the Tang Cao high-speed ramp, L320 Φ610 * 10 special grade triple PE corrosion spiral welded steel pipe as an example.