由于历史机遇,葡萄牙于1992年5年16日生效的《行政程序法典》(Codigo do Procedi-mento administrativo,下简称《法典》)注定要与中国行政法结下不解之缘,在《法典》基础上修订而成的澳门《行政程序法典》已于1995年3月1日起开始实施,后者将作为“澳门原有的法律”在未来的澳门特别行政区继续生效,从而改写我国不存在法典形式的地方行政程序法的历史。鉴于《法典》与澳门同名法典这种非同寻常的“血缘”关系,了解前者的立法背景、内容,分析研究其立法特点,无疑具有非同一般比较法研究的意义。
Due to historical opportunities, Portugal’s Codigo do Procedi-mento administrativo (Codex), which entered into force on May 16, 1992, is doomed to become inextricably bound with China’s administrative law. In the “Codex” On the basis of amendments to the Macao “Administrative Procedure Code” came into effect on March 1, 1995, the latter will be “Macao’s original law” in the future of the Macao Special Administrative Region continue to take effect, thus rewriting our country does not exist Codex Form of the history of local administrative procedural law. In view of the unusual “blood relationship” between the “Code” and the code of the same name in Macao, understanding the former legislative background and content and analyzing its legislative features undoubtedly have the significance of non-comparable comparative law research.