一、现实素描:当前中小学课程改革的困境与误区 案例一:课堂中真的声音是如何消失的? 金秋,在北方城市的一节观摩课上,年轻女教师与初一学生一起学习《秋魂》(人教社,初中语文课第一册)。教师播放的多媒体背景音乐是克莱德曼的《秋日私语》,大
First, the reality sketch: the current primary and secondary curriculum reform difficulties and misunderstandings Case one: the class really how the voice disappears? Autumn, in a section of the northern city observation class, the young female teachers and first-year students to learn “Autumn Soul ”(people teach community, junior high school language lesson first). Teachers play multimedia background music is Clayderman’s “autumn whisper”, big