中华鼢鼠(Myospalax fontanierii Milne-Edwards)我省俗称瞎瞎,属啮齿目、仓鼠科、鼢鼠亚科。在我省农区、林区、牧区都有分布,对农作物、牧草、幼树危害很大,损失惊人,每年都需在防治上投入不少人力和资金。 1984年我们在定西唐家堡用甲基异柳磷拌小麦防治地下害虫,用药量为1份甲基异柳磷加25份水拌500份小麦种子,拌种后盛装麻袋中备播。第二天发现麻袋旁有死家鼠;播后翌日在地埂田边又发现死田鼠,经过拌种的地块,瞎瞎的隧道进入地边1米左右即停止继续向前延伸。这些现象使我们断定,甲基异柳磷也有防治瞎瞎以及家鼠、田鼠的效果。在临洮调查,当地群众在种党参时,每亩用甲基异柳磷一斤与适量细砂掺匀,均匀撒入栽植当参的沟
Myzus persica (Myospalax fontanierii Milne-Edwards) Province commonly known as blind blind, a rodent, hamster, zokor subfamily. In our province, the distribution of agricultural areas, forestry areas and pastoral areas has great harm to crops, forages and saplings and their losses have been staggering. Every year, a lot of manpower and funds are required for prevention and control. 1984 we Dingxi Tang Jiabao with isofenphos-mixed wheat to control underground pests, the dosage of 1 part of methyl isophthalate plus 25 parts of water mix 500 parts of wheat seeds, seed dressing sack after seed preparation. The next day found dead squirrels next to sacks; the day after sowing in the field found a dead field vole, after the seed dressing plots, blind blind tunnel into the ground about 1 meter to stop extending forward. These phenomena led us to conclude that methyl isofenphos also has the effect of controlling blind and blind mice and mice. In Linqu investigation, the local people in the kind of Codonopsis, each mu with methyl isophthaldehyde pound and the amount of fine sand mixed evenly drowned planted when the ditch