
来源 :中国医学伦理学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongxiaokun
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1997年11月30日中央电视台报道了陈敏章部长等给中国协和医院、北京天坛医院等“百佳医院”颁发荣誉证书,这是医疗战线落实十五大精神又一具体行动,值得倡导,值得庆贺,更值得向取得“百佳医院”称号的单位领导与全体职工致敬.他们遵照江总书记在《有中国特色社会主义的文化建设》中提出的“深入持久地开展以为人民服务为核心、集体主义为原则的社会主义道德教育,加强民主法制教育和纪律教育,引导人人树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观”的要求,为带动全国医疗战线医德医风根本好转,使我们能以轻松愉快的步伐、高尚圣洁的风尚,走向21世纪. On November 30, 1997, CCTV reported on the award of honorary certificates to ministers Chen Minzhang and other hospitals such as China Union Medical College Hospital and Beijing Tiantan Hospital. This is another concrete action for the implementation of the 15 major spirits on the medical front. It is worth advocating. To celebrate, it is even more worthwhile to pay tribute to the unit leaders and employees who have obtained the title of “Parka Hospital.” They follow the principle of General Secretary Jiang in the “Cultural Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” Collectivism is the principle of socialist moral education, strengthening democracy and legal education and disciplinary education, guiding everyone to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and in order to bring about a fundamental improvement in the medical ethics of the national medical front, so that we can easily Pleasant pace, noble and holy manner, towards the 21st century.
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幸福地厂个.…,厂-一下、.:厂下飞5}“腿}12·}2一}62}2塑}。“{i。丝{红“}红幻}。 远}。通2!毕6一里的e一园慧纪1校智世。。}业。}宜奋万~]飞{i通』一}一)}·}.两…O‘刀..
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