亲爱的读者,你一定很想知道上海宝山钢铁总厂这个举世瞩目的大型工程的进展情况吧!的确,自从一九七八年底宝钢打下第一根钢管桩到现在,已经三个多年头了。在这一千二百多个日日夜夜里,这片十二平方公里土地上发生的一切,牵动着全国人民的心,引起国外有关人士的极大关注。我写的这篇报道,就是要向读者汇报宝钢的今天和明天。 今年“五·一”过后,我再一次驱车来到地处上海北郊的宝钢工地,映入眼帘的,是一个现代化钢
Dear Readers, You Must Want to Know About the Progress of Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Plant, a world-renowned large-scale project! Indeed, it has been more than three years since Baosteel laid its first steel pipe pile in the end of 1978 . What happened on this 12-square-kilometer land during these 1,200 days and nights affected the hearts of all people in the country and aroused great concern from people abroad. The story I wrote is to report to readers the present and future of Baosteel. After the “May Day” this year, I once again drove to the Baosteel site in the northern suburb of Shanghai. At a glance, it was a modernized steel