Based on the review of the literature, this paper collected data from three industrial clusters in Fujian Province, investigated the influence of multiple network embeddings on the knowledge sharing of cluster enterprises by questionnaire survey, established multiple network embedding, dynamic capabilities, organizational learning and knowledge sharing Structural relationship between the equation to explore its mechanism of action. The results show that the embedding of multiple networks in a cluster has a significant positive impact on the dynamic capability of the cluster. The knowledge absorption and creativity of enterprises significantly enhance the knowledge sharing among enterprises, and play an intermediary role in multiple network embedding and knowledge sharing. At the same time, Organizational learning plays a regulatory role in the impact of dynamic capabilities on knowledge sharing. This research enriched the theoretical research on the influence factors of knowledge sharing in industrial clusters at the level of cluster network, deepened the research on the internal mechanisms that affect the knowledge sharing through multiple network embedding, and provided theoretical basis for establishing a more perfect knowledge sharing platform for industrial clusters in practice And management inspiration.