儿童过敏性疾病的发病率在全球范围内逐渐增高。儿童呼吸过敏性疾病指发生在儿童呼吸系统的过敏性疾病,主要包括变应性鼻炎、变应性哮喘等。儿童变应性鼻炎及变应性哮喘都是在暴露变应原之后(以吸入方式为主)出现打喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞、咳嗽及反复喘息等临床症状。儿童呼吸过敏性疾病严重影响儿童的生活质量及身心健康。传统的治疗模式虽然可使多数患儿得到较好救治,但仍有部分患儿病情难以控制,后者则需要进行特异性免疫治疗或更精准的抗IgE治疗。该文就儿童呼吸过敏性疾病的特异性免疫治疗和抗IgE治疗的概况、机制、相关的检测方法以及治疗方法进行阐述,为儿科医生提供临床诊治参考。“,”The incidence of allergic diseases in children is increasing globally.Allergic respiratory diseases in children refer to allergic diseases that occured in children′s respiratory system, mainly including allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, etc.Clinical symptoms of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma in children are sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, cough and recurrent wheezing after exposure to allergens(mainly by inhalation). Allergic respiratory diseases in children affect the quality of life and physical and mental healthy of children.Although good results are seen in most children receiving conventional therapy, there are some children, in whom the condition is difficult to control.These children require allergen-specific immunotherapy or anti-IgE therapy.In this paper, the mechanism, testing, allergen-specific immunotherapy and anti-IgE therapy of children′s respiratory allergic diseases are described, in order to provide reference for pediatricians on clinical diagnosis and treatment for children′s allergic respiratory diseases.