为探讨聚肌胞的应用价值,我们对疑诊为病毒性肺炎的喘憋性肺炎患儿进行了应用聚肌胞前后血清中α-干扰素浓度的测定,现报道如下。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象:取1995年12月至1996年1月住院的喘憋性肺炎患儿40例作为观察组,年龄为3~5个月。喘憋性怖炎多考虑为病毒感染,如呼吸道合胞病毒、腺病毒等。对这40例患儿住院后测血清中α-干扰素浓度,然后肌注聚肌胞,每次2mg,每日1次,5天后再测血清中α-干扰素浓度。同时取3
In order to explore the application value of polymyosin, we suspected asthma in children with pneumonia in children with pneumonia before and after poly-muscle determination of α-interferon levels are reported below. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object: taken from December 1995 to January 1996 hospitalized 40 cases of asthmatic pneumonia in children as the observation group, aged 3 to 5 months. Asthmatic sexually transmitted inflammation consider more for the virus, such as respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus and so on. After the hospitalization of these 40 patients were measured in serum a-interferon concentrations, and then intramuscularly polymyosist, each 2mg, once daily, 5 days after the serum alpha-interferon concentrations were measured. At the same time take 3