
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpflpf7337
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汶上是一个历史悠久的旅游城市,有丰富的自然、人文旅游资源,良好的区位优势。但是汶上当前的旅游经济还没有形成产业,如果要提升汶上的旅游产业水平,带动汶上经济的发展,就要从下面几方面入手:制定旅游发展的宏观政策、改善旅游环境建设、加大旅游业务知识的培训力度汶上古称中都,是一个充满神奇、文化底蕴丰厚的千年古城地处鲁西平原隶属山东省济宁市,东接古城曲阜,西接水泊梁山,北枕泰山,南依微山湖,区位优势非常明显。他拥有丰 Wenshang is a long-established tourist city rich in natural and cultural tourism resources, with a good geographical advantage. However, the current tourism economy in Wenshang has not yet formed an industry. If we want to enhance the tourism industry in Wenshang and promote the economic development in Wenshang, we should start with the following aspects: formulating the macro-policy on tourism development, improving the tourism environment, It is a magical, rich cultural heritage of the ancient city of Millennia is located in Shandong Province Jining City, east of Qufu, the ancient city of Western Liangshan, Liangshan west of the North pillow Taishan, south According to Weishan Lake, the location advantage is very obvious. He is rich