今年2月29日,大同供电公司八届一次职工代表大会隆重召开,六千多名职工选出的代表对公司领导干部进行民主评议,杨忠的信任度为百分之百!在会议室里,这位统管着1.4万平方公里供电面积、年售电量40多亿千瓦时的主帅以铿锵有力的话语,撞击着与会代表的心扉:“面对成绩我们绝不能沾沾自喜,新的一年形势严峻,任务艰巨,我们必须做好迎接新的挑战和考验的思想准备……” 已有30多年“电龄”的杨忠又一次站在向一流企业迈进的起跑线上。
February 29 this year, Datong Power Supply Company held a workers’ congress at the Eighth of the grand occasion, more than 6,000 employees elected representatives of the company’s leading cadres for democratic appraisal, Yang Zhong’s trust is one hundred percent! In the conference room, the manager with 14,000 square kilometers of power supply area and over 4 billion kwh in annual sales power clamored for the participants’ hearts with his sonorous words: “We should never be complacent in the face of achievements. The new The situation in the year is grim and the task is arduous. We must be well prepared for the new challenges and tests ... ”Yang Zhong, who has been on the" agendas of more than 30 years, once again stands on the starting line toward first-class enterprises.