Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to obtain a three-dimensional image of the sky, with its help to observe the cell shape and surface structure, to obtain three-dimensional images, and depth of focus for easy observation. In the field of biomedicine, SEM was cited earlier in the field of hematology. In 1966, Hayes et al first applied SEM to observe the morphology of erythrocytes. In 1968, Clarke et al. Reported the surface ultrastructure of leucocytes in SEM. However, in the earlier studies, due to imperfections in specimen preparation technology and cell damage, the delicate and delicate microprojections on the surface of white blood cells could not be clearly seen. The impact on the red blood cells smaller, because of its more smooth surface. In 1972 Boyde and Porter, respectively, reported the critical point and freeze-drying technology in SEM specimen preparation application, to a large extent overcome the cell deformation problems. With