时间:1883年5月一个晴朗的夜晚地点:德国威斯巴登附近的一所公寓人物:Brahms 德国作曲家 50岁(直接人物)Mila 子日本留学生26岁(直接人物)舒曼(间接人物)克拉拉(间接人物)工作室中,Brahmss 抽着烟斗,紧锁眉头,苦苦思索着将要完成的第三交响乐,他已经顺利完成了前两个乐章,而第三乐章却迟迟下不了笔。他似乎能觉察到埋藏在内心深处的一种时隐时现的冲动,却无力将其唤起。春天的晚上,空气中弥漫着浮躁和不安,这愈加使他烦闷起来。他索性放下烟斗,推开总谱,起身走到窗前——皎洁的月光下,美丽的莱茵河像一位妩媚的少女,水波粼粼正如那少女的乌发,惹得 Brahms 不禁怦然心动——“咚咚咚!”突然一阵轻微的敲门声将他拉出幻想——“进来!”只见房门被轻轻推开,门口立着一位身穿一袭月白色的和服,脚踏一双粉色木屐的姑娘,低着头小声地说:“对不起!打扰了!”Brahms 直直地望着她,脑子里浮现出一行字——“最是那一低头的温柔,就像那水莲花不胜凉风
Time: May 1883 A sunny night Location: An apartment near Wiesbaden, Germany People: Brahms German composer 50 years old (direct character) Mila Japanese student 26 years old (direct character) Schumann (indirect person) In Clara (Indirect Person) studio, Brahmss pumped his pipe and locked his brow, thinking hard about the third symphony he was about to finish. He had already successfully completed the first two movements, but the third movement lagged behind. . He seems to be able to perceive a hint of implicit moment buried in the heart, but unable to arouse it. Spring evening, filled with impetuous and upset in the air, which more and more bored him. He simply put down the pipe, open the score, got up and walked to the window - under the bright moonlight, the beautiful Rhine like a charming girl, sparkling just like the girl’s Ufa, provoked Brahms can not help but heartbeat Suddenly a slight knock knocked him out of the fantasy - ”Come in!“ I saw the door was gently pushed open, stood in front of a wearing a month White kimono, the hands of a pair of pink clogs girl, bowed and whispered: ”Excuse me! Excuse me!“ Brahms looked at her straight, his mind emerged line - ”is the most Bowed gentle, like that lotus lotus breeze