有关原发性闭经患者中具有两个着丝粒的等臂x染色体[idic(x)]的病例,在国内外虽已有报道,但较少见。本文用C带和G带技术处理后,进行观察3例,得出结果,报道如下。 例1 林某,女,19a。1988年4月因月经未来潮而就诊。体检:身高135cm,体重42kg。后发际低,颈蹼,盾形胸,乳房、乳头发育欠佳,外阴发育欠佳,阴毛少,宫颈小,两侧卵巢未探及。智力差,患者系第4胎,孕足月顺产(当时母亲35a,父亲38a)父母非近亲婚配,母孕期未接触有害物质。父母健在,姐姐发育正常,且已月经来潮。
In the case of primary amenorrhea in patients with two centromere arm x chromosome [idic (x)] of the cases, although already reported at home and abroad, but less common. This article with the C-band and G-band technology to deal with the observation of 3 cases, the results are reported below. Example 1 Lin, female, 19a. April 1988 due to menstrual future surge and treatment. Physical examination: height 135cm, weight 42kg. After the hair is low, webbed, shield-shaped chest, breast, poor development of the nipple, poor development of the vulva, pubic hair less, small cervical, ovaries on both sides not explored. Poor intelligence, patients with the first 4 tires, full term pregnancy (35 aa mother, 38a father) parents non-relatives of marriage, mother had no contact with harmful substances. Healthy parents, sister normal development, and has menstrual cramps.