
来源 :广东卫生防疫资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:upup2004
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布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)是人畜共患的自然疫源性疾病,病畜是人布病的主要传染源。解放前,布病在广东未见资料记载。解放后,1955年发现家畜和人布病发生。广东省1956年把本病列为法定传染病管理,但直到1965年才有正式疫情报告。至今缺乏全省系统的人布病调查资料,只在局部(农、畜牧场)做过一些疫情处理及专题调查工作。为了搞好布病防治工作,我们对建国以来,全省人畜布病资料收集、整理如下。 Brucellosis (referred to as brucellosis) is a zoonotic natural foci disease, sick animals is the main source of human brucellosis. Before the liberation, brucellosis in Guangdong no information recorded. After the liberation, 1955 found that livestock and human brucellosis occurred. Guangdong Province in 1956 the disease as a legal infectious disease management, but did not report the official outbreak until 1965. To date, there is a lack of data on the investigation of brucellosis in the entire province and only some epidemic situations and special surveys have been done in some areas (farms and livestock farms). In order to do a good job in the prevention and treatment of brucellosis, since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have collected and compiled the information about human brucellosis in the whole province.
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