【摘 要】
Since its founding in 2000, Ecology Culture has gone through eight years. Re-read the first issue of “published”, still like a spring breeze, warm and friendly. Whether it is the purpose of running a journal, the editorial guideline, or the explicit and conscientious nature of carrying forward the ecological culture and advocating ecological civilization, it is also very exciting to read today. Now re-published, that is, want readers and you, work together, in order to achieve the objectives of this publication, for outstanding completion of the publication of the play, work together forge ahead.
Peng Yun Description: Nanchang University in 2002 by Bachelor of Visual Communica
(College of Ethnology and Sociology, Central Minzu University, Beijing, China) JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY, VOL. 6, NO.4, 08-16, 2015 (CN51-1731/C, in Chinese) DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-9391.2015.04. 02 Abs
With the real estate industry becoming an i
The Dongchuan district of Kun-ming,Yunnan is a place where debris flows hap-pens frequently.As a result, the district is called a“natural museum of debris flow
“最好看的广告牌” 近日,山东菏泽一小区物業将门口的明星广告牌撤掉,换成了5位戍边英雄的照片海报。广告牌在照片后附文:“祖国山河一寸不能丢,向每一位戍边英雄致敬!记住英雄的名字!祁发宝、陈红军、王焯冉、肖思远、陈祥榕!致敬!”物业此举,赢得小区业主一致支持,更收获网友连连点赞,有网友直呼,“这是最好看的广告牌! (摘自《北京晚报》3.13)