“Stranger’s Trouble” is a major theoretical work by Terry Eagleton following “Aesthetic Ideology.” Why is it so troublesome to be with strangers? The final question the author is trying to answer is how we should rebuild unity. With the theoretical framework of Jacques Lacan’s imagination, symbolism and realism, Eagleton compares it with the more ethical resources of socialism and Christianity traditions, from Aristotle to Badiou, Zizek’s theory of ethics and the ethnological reflection of the whole of modern Europe converge into a kind of personal and political ethics, thus forming a political passion and providing a unique and unique platform for tragedy, politics, literature, morality and religion Analysis perspective. Ethics and politics are not irrelevant two aspects, but different views on the same object, if the ethical answer is how we get along with each other most valuablely, the politics must solve which kind of organization is advantageous to this goal achieve. ~ ①