正当全国上下万众一心,在党中央、国务院领导下,与突如其来的 SARS 病毒做殊死斗争之际,我却被一场严重的带状疱疹缠绵病榻。看到同行们日夜在临床一线抢救病员,我却不能参与他们的奋战。忧心如焚,彻夜难眠。这时我回忆起上世纪60年代初,在北京爆发的一场流行性脑膜炎传染病。当时我在友谊医院儿科病房,连续半年参与抢救工作,当时的情景浮现眼前,感慨颇多。我第一次见到沈老是1961年。当年夏天,我
While the whole nation is united with one heart and soul, under the leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, and the sudden SARS virus has made a desperate struggle, I was stunned by a severe shingles disease. Seeing colleagues in the clinical frontline day and night to rescue patients, I can not participate in their fighting. Worried, sleepless nights. At this moment I recalled a pandemic meningitis epidemic that broke out in Beijing in the early 1960s. At that time I was in the Friendship Hospital pediatric ward, for six months in a row to participate in the rescue work, then the scene emerged, feeling a lot. I first met Shen in 1961. That summer, me