国内外开展甘薯杂交育种工作数十年以来,主要采用选配单交组合人工授粉制种,为新品种选育提供杂交种子。甘薯是异花授粉作物,我国育种单位从自然放任授粉的杂交材料中,曾选育出如烟薯3号、浙薯1号、福薯87、青农2号、冀65—2等不少优良新品种(系)。美国 Afred Jones 和日本四方俊一利用放任授粉设计的“随机杂交集团”育种,经多年后也取得了一定的进展。这是放任授粉选择受精优越性的表
Domestic and foreign sweet potato hybrid breeding work carried out for decades, the main selection of single cross combination of artificial pollination, breeding for the new varieties to provide hybrid seeds. Sweet potato is cross-pollination crops, breeding units in our country from the natural laissez-faire hybrid materials, had bred such as soybean 3, Zhensu 1, Fusu 87, Qingnong 2, Ji 65-2 and many other Good new varieties (lines). The United States Afred Jones and Japan’s Sifu Junyi, who have used randomized crossover design, have made some progress over the years. This is a list of laissez-faire fertility preferences