I also knew a lot of friends when I was studying in St. Louis. Every time I was introduced to others, people always asked me a bunch of questions. Here I would like to select a few representative questions. Question 1: Where do you come from China? Generally speaking, I told them to come from East China, not far from the sea. In the beginning, I always said that I came from Nanjing and then they looked at me blankly: “Where is Nanjing?” I didn’t know when I introduced that I knew very few Americans in Nanjing and I knew that Nanjing and St. Louis were sister cities. Less is it. But I don’t know if it’s okay. I didn’t know where Saint Louis was before I came. When I went to another high school once, their history teacher really surprised me. When I mentioned Nanjing, he even knew that it was “the former capital”!